您的位置:首页  »  欧美剧  »  萤火虫小巷第二季



  • 主演:凯瑟琳·海格尔,萨拉·乔克,耶尔·雅曼
  • 导演:迈克尔·斯皮勒
  • 类型:欧美剧
  • 年代: 2022
  • 地区: 美国
  • 简介:

    该片于2022上映,由迈克尔·斯皮勒导演,凯瑟琳·海格尔,萨拉·乔克,耶尔·雅曼等主演,主要讲述的是What could possibly have ended the tight-knit thirty year friendship of Tully and Kate, our "Firefly Lane Girls Forever"? We'll learn the answer this season -- but first -- Kate grapples,喜欢就分享此链接http://www.hiqifu.com/vod-detail-id-172337.html或者搜索豆瓣影院给你们的小伙伴吧 What could possibly have ended the tight-knit thirty year friendship of Tully and Kate, our "Firefly Lane Girls Forever"? We'll learn the answer this season -- but first -- Kate grapples with the painful aftermath of Johnny's ill-fated trip to Iraq, while Tully faces a lawsuit after walking away from her talk show, and must start her career over from the bottom. This leads her ...展开全部↓ 收起全部↑